
Contact Us

Do you have a question that is not answered on these pages?  You can either leave a "comment" for public viewing (and everyone can learn from the answer) or you can send us a private E-MAIL to ask. (Remember, there is no such thing as a "dumb question" if you've never heard the answer.  Besides, someone else might be wondering the same thing, so please consider commenting on one of our Blog Postings.)

If you would like one of our full color printed catalogs, we offer a FREE COPY for the current season until either our stock of copies is gone, many varieties are already sold out - or we are within 2 weeks of either harvest or shipping.  For the fastest service, we recommend that you order on-line; an order will continue your catalog subscription.  We send two printed catalogs a year, one in January for Spring delivery and one in July for Fall delivery; not all lilies are available each season, the offering changes twice a year.